19 March 2007

The Second Great Debate...

PERTH, Scotland, March 19 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In a formal invitation sent to former Vice-President Al Gore's Tennessee address and released to the public, Lord Monckton has thrown down the gauntlet to challenge Gore to what he terms "the Second Great Debate," an internationally televised, head-to-head, nation-unto-nation confrontation on the question, "That our effect on climate is not dangerous."

Finally someone willing to take this wacko down a few notches... Great quote from Lord Monckton "A careful study of the substantial corpus of peer-reviewed science reveals that Mr. Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth, is a foofaraw of pseudo-science, exaggerations, and errors, now being peddled to innocent schoolchildren worldwide."


insouc said...
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insouc said...

not sure about "wacko" but Monckton's writings have been described as "cuckoo science" by RealClimate:


Bob said...

actually the comments section there has much more useful information than the actual article. particularly interesting to me are the questions raised in comment #17 that no one ever seems to answer...

Bob said...
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Bob said...
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Bob said...

another climatologist weighs in...
